المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الجلفة

Geographical based marketing and commercial spaces creation a case study for Djelfa City

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author KHADER, Ahmed Rami
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-16T08:33:38Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-16T08:33:38Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-djelfa.dz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5659
dc.description In the complex fabric of Urban Development, the strategic distribution of basic facilities such as supermarkets is a vital thread that weaves the fabric of life in the city. The comprehensive analysis presented in this study unequivocally calls for the spatial appropriateness of locating a supermarket in the southern and southwestern districts of the city of Julfa. This recommendation is based on a combination of factors, including the expected increase in population and urban density, prudent land allocation, proactive government-led development endeavors, and Intelligent Placement of supermarkets to meet the needs of thriving communities along the country's pivotal transport arteries. Route No. 46 and national No. 01. One of the most important factors supporting the suitability of the southern and south-western regions for supermarkets is the expected rise in population density. The data indicate that these regions are preparing for significant population growth. Such an imminent demographic transition portends an increased demand for basic services, where supermarkets come to the fore. By establishing supermarkets in these booming areas, we are not only meeting the current needs of residents, but also aligning ourselves with the future demographic trends that are unfolding, ensuring that these emerging communities have easy access to a variety of products and services. The strategic commercial distribution of supermarkets enhances the wisdom of their placement in the southern and south-western regions. The concentration of business activities in these sectors not only promotes economic balance throughout the city, but also mitigates the risk of burdening certain areas. This balanced commercial landscape contributes to the creation of a vibrant and diverse market and ensures that the residents of Julfa, regardless of their location of residence, reap the benefits of accessible supermarkets. Moreover, the abundant availability of land in the southern and south-western regions is emerging as a decisive factor in the call for the establishment of supermarkets in these regions. The availability of spacious territory not only facilitates the initial setup of supermarkets but also accommodates their expansion and adaptation in the future, ensuring their sustainable relevance in meeting the evolving needs of the city's population. This spatial flexibility solidifies the long-term viability and adaptability of these vital business enterprises. It is worth noting that the government's proactive commitment to future development projects in the south and South-West sectors confirms the suitability of these areas for comprehensive analysis presented in this study unequivocally calls for the spatial appropriateness of locating a supermarket in the southern and southwestern districts of the city of Julfa. This recommendation is based on a combination of factors, including the expected increase in population and urban density, prudent land allocation, proactive government-led development endeavors, and Intelligent Placement of supermarkets to meet the needs of thriving communities along the country's pivotal transport arteries. Route No. 46 and national No. 01. One of the most important factors supporting the suitability of the southern and south-western regions for supermarkets is the expected rise in population density. The data indicate that these regions are preparing for significant population growth. Such an imminent demographic transition portends an increased demand for basic services, where supermarkets come to the fore. By establishing supermarkets in these booming areas, we are not only meeting the current needs of residents, but also aligning ourselves with the future demographic trends that are unfolding, ensuring that these emerging communities have easy access to a variety of products and services. The strategic commercial distribution of supermarkets enhances the wisdom of their placement in the southern and south-western regions. The concentration of business activities in these sectors not only promotes economic balance throughout the city, but also mitigates the risk of burdening certain areas. This balanced commercial landscape contributes to the creation of a vibrant and diverse market and ensures that the residents of Julfa, regardless of their location of residence, reap the benefits of accessible supermarkets. Moreover, the abundant availability of land in the southern and south-western regions is emerging as a decisive factor in the call for the establishment of supermarkets in these regions. The availability of spacious territory not only facilitates the initial setup of supermarkets but also accommodates their expansion and adaptation in the future, ensuring their sustainable relevance in meeting the evolving needs of the city's population. This spatial flexibility solidifies the long-term viability and adaptability of these vital business enterprises en_EN
dc.description.abstract In this work, we relied on the theory of hierarchical analysis, which they based on 5 basic criteria that we selected to know the weights of each of them and enter the latter into the Geographic Information Systems Program and collect, study, analyze and finally output them in the form of maps that allow us to know the appropriate spatial convenience of the supermarket in the city of djelfa, where the result showed us that the most suitable places are in the city center and South and a little from the East and West, and in terms of its geographical location and loyalty make it a very suitable advantage for building and erecting major commercial centers in the future. en_EN
dc.language.iso fr en_EN
dc.publisher Université Ziane Achour/Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie en_EN
dc.subject Geographic Information Systems, suitability, hierarchical analysis theory, geo-marketing en_EN
dc.title Geographical based marketing and commercial spaces creation a case study for Djelfa City en_EN
dc.title.alternative urban planning en_EN
dc.type Thesis en_EN

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