المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الجلفة

استعرض 2.[FST] Mémoires de master II -- مذكرات الماستر حسب الموضوع "KEYWORD: excavation _ modelesation numerique_ the joined piles _plaxis2D_ ground settlement-the collapses-the landslide + MOT CLEES : excavation_modelesation numerique_pieux jointifs _plaxis2D_ tassement _les effondrements– le glissemement ."

استعرض 2.[FST] Mémoires de master II -- مذكرات الماستر حسب الموضوع "KEYWORD: excavation _ modelesation numerique_ the joined piles _plaxis2D_ ground settlement-the collapses-the landslide + MOT CLEES : excavation_modelesation numerique_pieux jointifs _plaxis2D_ tassement _les effondrements– le glissemement ."

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • HABITA, RAHMA; SAHRAOUI, FATNA (Université Ziane Achour de Djelfa / Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, 2019-06-30)
    Abstract Infrastructure projects are among the most important projects for the State and cost a large budget and infrastructure projects require complex excavation work, especially in urban areas where the excavation is ...

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