أثر إدارة الكفاءات على تعزيز اليقظة الإستراتيجية لمنظمات : الأعمال دراسة ميدانية

Show simple item record قاسمي, كريمة 2024-06-30T09:04:31Z 2024-06-30T09:04:31Z 2024-02-08
dc.description.abstract إن نجاح وبقاء المنظمات مرهون بمدى قدرتها على التكيف مع التغيرات الحاصلة في بيئتها، من خلال رصد ومتابعة التطورات الحاصلة في البيئة الذي تنشط فيه وتحليله من أجل استغلال الفرص وتجنب التهديدات، مما دفع بالمنظمات إلى البحث عن خطوات علمية وعملية ناجحة للتعامل مع تأثيرات هذه التطورات والتأقلم معها بكل احترافية، مما يفرض عليها ضرورة الوعي بأن بقاءها أصبح مرهونا أكثر من أي وقت مضى بقدرتها على الاستثمار في الكفاءات من خلال تطبيق نموذج إدارة الكفاءات في المنظمات المعاصرة، حيث تعتبر أحد عوامل نجاح عملية اليقظة الإستراتيجية من خلال تعزيز قدرة خلايا اليقظة جمع المعلومات وتحليلها ونشرها لاستفادة منها في اتخاذ القرارات. ومنه هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز أثر إدارة الكفاءات بأبعادها (توظيف الكفاءات، تعويضات الكفاءات، تطوير الكفاءات، تقييم الكفاءات) على تعزيز اليقظة الإستراتيجية من خلال: (اليقظة التكنولوجية، اليقظة التنافسية، اليقظة التجارية، اليقظة البيئية) بالمجمع الصناعي صيدال. وللوصول إلى تحقيق هدف الدراسة، تمت الاستعانة باستبانة لجمع المعلومات الأولية من عينة الدراسة، وفي ضوء ذلك جرى جمع البيانات وتحليلها واختبار الفرضيات باستعمال الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية SPSS، تكونت عينة الدراسة من (103) أفراد يمثلون فئة الإطارات والموظفين بالمجمع الصناعي صيدال، وعلى ضوء النتائج المتحصل عليها من تحليل البيانات واختبار الفرضيات، أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباط موجبة وقوية بين إدارة الكفاءات واليقظة الإستراتيجية في المجمع محل الدراسة، كما تبين وجود أثر مهم ذات دلالة إحصائية لأبعاد إدارة الكفاءات على تعزيز اليقظة الإستراتيجية بمختلف أنواعه بالمجمع الصناعي صيدال. وقد توصلت الدراسة أيضا إلى تأكيد وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في تصورات المبحوثين حول مستوى إدارة الكفاءات الحاصل بالمجمع تعزى للمتغير العمر. وفي ضوء هذه النتائج تم تقديم بعض الاقتراحات أهمها: ضرورة إنشاء وحدة خاصة بإدارة الكفاءات والمواهب، وضرورة إدراك المديرين بأن أول خطوة في إدارة الكفاءات تكمن في استقطاب وانتقاء الكفاءات، وضرورة توفير دمج الحوافر المادية مع المعنوية بما يساهم في الاحتفاظ على الإطارات وتشجيعهم على تبادل المعارف والمهارات، إعداد نظام تقييم متكامل لنشاط الكفاءات الفردية والجماعية متكامل وفق معايير واضحة يضمن العدالة ويربطها بنظام الأجور والحوافر، ينبغي إنشاء خلية اليقظة الإستراتيجية بمفهومها الشامل وتوفير كافة الإمكانيات المادية والإطارات البشرية المتخصصة والعمل على تعزيز ثقافة اليقظة الجماعية لدى الإطارات والأفراد داخل المجمع ككل. The success and survival of organizations depend on their ability to adapt to changes happening in their environment by monitoring and following the developments in the environment in which they operate and analyzing them to exploit opportunities and avoid threats. This has led organizations to search for successful scientific and practical steps to deal with the impacts of these developments and adapt to them professionally, thereby necessitating awareness that their survival is more than ever dependent on their ability to invest in competencies. The application of the competency management model in contemporary organizations is considered one of the factors contributing to the success of the strategic vigilance process by enhancing the capacity of alert cells to collect, analyze, and disseminate information for decision-making purposes. This study aims to highlight the impact of competency management in its dimensions (competency utilization, competency compensation, competency development, and competency assessment) on enhancing strategic vigilance through: (technological vigilance, competitive vigilance, commercial vigilance, and environmental vigilance) at the Saidal Industrial Group. In order to achieve the study's objective, a questionnaire was used to collect initial information from the study sample. Subsequently, data was collected, analyzed, and hypotheses were tested using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study sample consisted of 103 individualsrepresenting the category of managers and employees at Saidal Industrial Group. Based on the results obtained from data analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed a strong positive correlation between competency management and strategic vigilance at the studied complex. There was a significant statistical impact of competency management dimensions on enhancing strategic vigilance in its various forms at Saidal Industrial Group. The study also confirmed the presence of statistically significant differences in the perceptions of respondents regarding the level of competency management achieved in the organization attributed to the age variable. Based on the previous results, the study suggests several recommendations, such as the need to create a special department for competencies and talents, the need for managers to realize that the first step in competency management lies in attracting and selecting competencies, the need to integrate material rewards with moral ones to contribute to retaining employees and encouraging them to exchange knowledge and skills, preparing a comprehensive evaluation system for individual and collective competencies'activity according to clear standards that ensure fairness and linking it to the salary and rewards system, The strategic vigilance cell should be established in a comprehensive sense, providing all material resources and specialized human resources, and working to promote a culture of collective vigilance among managers and individuals within the group SAIDAL as a whole. The success and survival of organizations depend on their ability to adapt to changes happening in their environment by monitoring and following the developments in the environment in which they operate and analyzing them to exploit opportunities and avoid threats. This has led organizations to search for successful scientific and practical steps to deal with the impacts of these developments and adapt to them professionally, thereby necessitating awareness that their survival is more than ever dependent on their ability to invest in competencies. The application of the competency management model in contemporary organizations is considered one of the factors contributing to the success of the strategic vigilance process by enhancing the capacity of alert cells to collect, analyze, and disseminate information for decision-making purposes. This study aims to highlight the impact of competency management in its dimensions (competency utilization, competency compensation, competency development, and competency assessment) on enhancing strategic vigilance through: (technological vigilance, competitive vigilance, commercial vigilance, and environmental vigilance) at the Saidal Industrial Group. In order to achieve the study's objective, a questionnaire was used to collect initial information from the study sample. Subsequently, data was collected, analyzed, and hypotheses were tested using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study sample consisted of 103 Individuals representing the category of managers and employees at Saidal Industrial Group. Based on the results obtained from data analysis and hypothesis testing, The results showed a strong positive correlation between competency management and strategic vigilance at the studied complex. There was a significant statistical impact of competency management dimensions on enhancing strategic vigilance in its various forms at Saidal Industrial Group. The study also confirmed the presence of statistically significant differences in the perceptions of respondents regarding the level of competency management achieved in the organization attributed to the age variable. Based on the previous results, the study suggests several recommendations, such as: the need to create a special department for competencies and talents; the need for managers to realize that the first step in competency management lies in attracting and selecting competencies; the need to integrate material rewards with moral ones to contribute to retaining employees and encouraging them to exchange knowledge and skills; preparing a comprehensive evaluation system for individual and collective competencies activities according to clear standards that ensure fairness and linking it to the salary and rewards system; The strategic vigilance cell should be established in a comprehensive sense, providing all material resources and specialized human resources and working to promote a culture of collective vigilance among managers and individuals within the SAIDAL group as a whole. en_EN
dc.language.iso other en_EN
dc.publisher Université de Djelfa - Ziane Achour جامعة زيان عاشور بالجلفة en_EN
dc.subject الكفاءات، إدارة الكفاءات، المعلومات، اليقظة الإستراتيجية، اتخاذ القرارات، المجمع الصناعي صيدال ، compétences, management des compétences, information, veille stratégique, prisede décision, Groupe Industriel Saidal ، competencies, competency management, information, strategic vigilance, decision-making, Saidal Industrial Group en_EN
dc.title أثر إدارة الكفاءات على تعزيز اليقظة الإستراتيجية لمنظمات : الأعمال دراسة ميدانية en_EN
dc.type Thesis en_EN

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